Do you have a waiting list?
Our availability varies. Occupancy has averaged between 96% to 100%. Please come visit us so that we may accommodate you at your earliest possible convenience.
Do you accept Medicaid or Medi-Cal?
Due to our regulatory category, we are unable to accept Medicaid or Medi-Cal. We welcome and are honored to have, residents who qualify for Veteran’s Benefit.
Will my long-term care plan help pay for housing options?
Yes and Bethel will manage your claim, making sure you get all benefits you are entitled to.
How convenient is shopping?
Very convenient. Bethel is within walking distance of major shopping centers. This includes restaurants, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Our activities department sponsors numerous outings to specialty stores.
Do you allow pets?
Yes! Small dogs and cats are allowed in the independent living units.
What if my spouse and I have different needs, can we still live together?
Yes! Bethel offers independent living, as well as assisted living on the same campus. We are able to meet each resident’s specific needs within the same apartment.
Do I need to be a member of Bethel Church to live at Bethel Retirement Community?
No. We welcome all seniors to our community regardless of their faith or religious beliefs.
Can I continue to entertain at Bethel Retirement Community?
Yes! Bethel is a great place to entertain family and friends. Whether it be in our private dining room or out lounging by the pool, we encourage our residents to take full advantage of our beautiful campus and amenities.
Where are you located?
Our retirement community in Modesto, California is located in the northern San Joaquin Valley on State Highway 99. It is 77 miles south of Sacramento, 75 miles east of San Jose, 91 miles southeast of San Francisco, and 316 miles north of Los Angeles.